Society & Culture


Society & Culture

Posted by: Kudzie

14th Sep 2011 08:45pm

Who does know Jesus and how many people does goes to church. Do you believe in Jesus and why?

Comments 29

  • 2nd Jun 2016 04:22am

Religion is always a touchy subject .. but to answer your question NO I dont know jesus on personally nor do i go to church to learn about a guy that may or may not have lived hundreds of thousand of years ago .. never read the bible nor have i had the urge too .. i dont think jesus or his so called father sacrificed anything to anyone i think he was a crazy fool that got busted and got strung up ...... the end lol

  • 21st Nov 2015 09:28am

Even if Jesus existed as a historical figure, that is no reason to 'believe in him'. You may like to believe in the ascribed teachings but to believe some of the fables about 'miracles' and the 'second coming' is not something I could accept as rational.

  • 25th Oct 2013 07:14pm

Archeologists have since uncovered evidence that Jesus of Nazareth did exist from Roman records although the miracles and the title "Son of God" are more attuned to folklore rather than undeniable fact. We must remember that back in those days there was not the knowledge of the world nor mobility as we have today so whatever occurred out of the ordinary then had a supernatural explanation.

Despite this, every human has a Faith ( a belief in something or even in a nothing) giving a fallback consciously or subconciously to help manage their life or cope with the inevitable end of life. We may not know Jesus per se but with Chritiam Faith, we know what he stands for. That does not mean other religions or atheists are wrong in putting their Faith (belief) in someone or something different.

I believe in what Jesus stood for and I do not see much wrong in seeking to treat ohers as one would want them to treat us. Eventually we depart so if having a Faith in Heaven makes that easier to face then so let it be without interference from anyone who may have different personal views.

  • 26th Jan 2013 02:03pm

The bible is a nice fairy tale, and that's it.

  • 10th Sep 2013 02:58pm
The bible is a nice fairy tale, and that's it.

Ha fairy tales are interesting!
Bible just a bunch of BS made up by dudes drinking from the sharmens tea 1000's of years ago

  • 26th Jan 2013 02:03pm

The bible is a nice fairy tale, and that's it.

  • 21st Dec 2012 01:38pm

Hi Kudzie, guess by your name you like to 'chew things over' as I do. That's what makes a philosopher. You have certainly made a few people think about where they sit in a religious / philosophical debate. I did attend church till my mid teens, when I was lucky enough to have the honor of knowing an inspirational Pastor of the Methodist faith. He was a Dr of Philosophy from Uni of Sydney, who has some very New Age ideas, a man before his time. This was in the early '60s. I didn't /don't see the image of God as an old man with a long flowing white beard, but as an Energy that permeates everything (much as the scientists describe the lately discovered Dark Matter), This Methodist Pastor agreed that was how he saw God too. However, in those days, that was NOT the usual way Christians saw the image of God, and he was persecuted by the Powers That Be in Church circles, to the extent that he was removed from the affluent area of Sydney, to an outback post in Western QLD. He said that was alright, that Jesus was also persecuted for his beliefs as a 'Heretic.'- by going against the Jewish establishment.
I myself have studied logic, and have developed a view that can best be described as 'eclectic'. I try to find out as much as I can about all faiths, religions, historical facts, archaeology, cosmology/ science and spirituality, and come up with a 'balanced' view. This has led me to read lots absorbing literature including The Dead Sea Scrolls, The Greek version of the Bible, (has additional material about Jesus's life) scholarly work by Sydney uni Professor Elizabeth Thearing, who wrote an interpretation of the Dead Sea Scrolls) She went to Israel to study them, especially the Copper Scroll, and translate them from the Hebrew to English. That Copper Scroll gave the picture of what Jesus was like, and she wrote the book "Jesus The Man" from the information she gathered. Another interesting book is Jesus the Magician (can't think of the author) which has some great reading in it.
I personally see Jesus as the Son of God, is that he was/ is permeated with the Energy that is God, as we all are,(Dark Matter as explained by both Professor Michu Kalu and Steven Hawking) To back this up, Jesus once said when performing a miracle, and asked' how he did that', he said " as I have done, you can also do."
It would seem that He had the power to manipulate Physics,( time and space) as do some yogis and shamen. It has been speculated that Jesus traveled to the East where he studied Eastern Asceticism. If so, may it not be where he developed his ideas of 'compassion', as this was the main message in the New Testament, not previously a part of the teaching of the Jewish Faiths' 'eye for an eye' value system? And in the end, because of the heresy, got Him crucified?

  • 7th Nov 2012 07:22pm

For 25 years I did not believe in god even though I went to church when younger ,then I got angry and decided I did not believe becos of all the bad that happened to me and the world I thought if he was real there would not be so much hurt in the world .then I realized you can,t be angry at something you didn't believe in ,so I let go of my anger and went back to church ,some things still hurt but I ask questions now and find sometimes it's how things are interpreted ,god bless and have a lovely day

  • 7th Nov 2012 02:31pm

I do believe in Jesus is because the bible teaches us he is the son of God.He came down to earth to die for our sins(past,present &furture)so that we may enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

  • 22nd Mar 2016 05:16pm
The bible is a nice fairy tale, and that's it.

I do believe in Jesus because when no one loved me and I didn't even love myself Jesus picked me up out of the gutter and made me believe that if I took His hand everything would work out fine. I did and it did.

  • 20th Aug 2012 12:45am

It doesn't matter if you are a christian or not, and is doesn't required to be a christian in order to be His followers. christian term was only started in antioch during 2nd century but it was not Has Jesus called to his disciples. The Supreme God must send Jesus here on earth in order for us to know His real character. Jesus Christ is the perfect representation of a loving and gracious God. He did not brought or introduced any religion, He only introduced a kind of Government. The government of Heaven which is His Kingdom and it was His main message, a perfect government that can solve all problems of our society.

  • 17th May 2012 10:40pm

Obviously a nice guy..and particularly for those who need a nice guy....

  • 1st May 2012 09:10pm

I guess it is each to thier own. I grew up catholic and adored my priest. He was a great teacher and friend. I also love budhism and all that is beautiful. I also believe in the scientific approach ,but choose to have my faith and beliefs of excepting all that they believe as it makes us all special. I do believe in Jesus and i do go to church at times. But i also mediatate at home. Peace and choice to all eh?

  • 24th Apr 2012 10:46am

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  • 24th Apr 2012 09:06am

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  • 22nd Nov 2011 06:11am

What says that God and Jesus are the right one? What about Allah and Mohammed or what about Zeus, Thor, Odin, or Godesses like Isis, Hera, Sif, Idun and there are more all of them described in books are they also historical facts.
I am an agnostic atheist, as it is called and even so I love you all as long as you don't push your "truth" on to other people.
Have a nice time.

  • 31st Jul 2013 06:22am
What says that God and Jesus are the right one? What about Allah and Mohammed or what about Zeus, Thor, Odin, or Godesses like Isis, Hera, Sif, Idun and there are more all of them described in...

to give my opinion on your question i can understand your point of view an i find myself in simmerler disscussions myself i belive that religion has its place and any belife structur a purpose yes there is hitorical fact to state jesus the man did infact live but what i belive has twisted the preception of him was not about who he was and what he taught but rather select groups of his followers misinturpriting or twisting what he stood for to either further personal gain or in some missguided attemp to gain favour with "god" i belive the whole son of god thing to be someting that can not be proven one way or the other but what he stood for and taught is someting that u can find simmelarities to in most religions it was not his belifef that sent followeers out to slaughter non belivers when he taught acceptance regardless of social stature or belife but rathe extreamests that wanted control and used his name to do so as such this has happend in other religions also wher a select group of "followers" use religion for an excuse to do wrong jesus was born in a time when many cultures belived in beings that were more than human gods if you will had gaundi or mother tressea or any others like them were born in the same time period it stands to reason that they to may have been thought to be of simmeler statis as jesus or minor gods of other religions are held jesus as a man yes i belive he exsisted but as the being set above humans as so many belive no he like so many befor and after him was just that a human with strong beliefs and the coruge to stand for what he belived in and because he did he was able to affecet how ppl thought centeries later and what most dont notice is that the core teachings and morals of most religions are the same and yet so much war and hate discrimination and pain is caused by ppl getting caught up in the detail rather the msg behind it all

  • 30th Nov 2011 01:38pm
What says that God and Jesus are the right one? What about Allah and Mohammed or what about Zeus, Thor, Odin, or Godesses like Isis, Hera, Sif, Idun and there are more all of them described in...

Hi Olund, - I could answer your first question here (What says that God and Jesus are the right one?) - but I have written extensively on other things that you have posted here, and I don't want you to think that I am trying to push 'my' truth onto you. That is not my motivation at all. I don't need to.

Any argument along those lines (the pushing of my opinion) is a bit like me arguing that a friend of yours (whom I have not met) does not exist simply because I have not met him yet. I prefer to respect your right to your own journey.

But I am interested in clarity - which is why I picked up on some of the things that you have said.

(and in the interest of clarity I can't resist pointing out that when we talk about a historical Jesus or Mohammed, we are talking about evidence for actual people by those names who breathed 'middle eastern air', when we talk about Zeus or Hera, we are looking at a historical record that people beleived in these gods - and we are also talking about totally different cultures and time periods too.It gets more confusing still when you bundle all that up and time-warp into the future and also talk about this as CURRENT modalities of faith....hence my interest in clarity. I want to understand what people are meaning and to be understood myself.)

Can you help me too? I would like to understand what you mean by 'agnostic athiest'? My present understanding (based upon current study and dictionary definitions) is that an agnostic is someone who is not sure re gods or God and so gives equal weighting to all modalities of faith, discounting nothing - whereas for an atheist the issue is settled - he/she is sure that there is no God.

thanks olund

  • 24th Sep 2011 09:34pm

I know the story of Jesus from the bible. I don't worship Jesus, I worship God. If you read the bible you will find that Jesus said not to worship him, but to do as he did. After reading the bible I believe that he was showing us how we should be living. Showing us that we will have everlasting life as he did, if we live as he did.
Just my opinion and everyone is entitled to theirs.

  • 23rd Sep 2011 12:55pm

I know Jesus, i go to Church sometimes. I believe having jesus in my life makes me less "self Absorbed" i respect others more because of "love" without my belief i think i would just be "Well what the hell, there is nothing, so it must be all about me and MY satisfaction and what I own and what I want" Sounds like how a lot of people are these days, hey!

  • 23rd Sep 2011 06:12am

The way you have formulated the question I can only answer, no I don't know Jesus and no I don't go to church. I do not believe in Jesus because there are no scientific evidence that Jesus existed.

  • 21st Nov 2015 09:30am
You just amaze me with your answer lol, how can u wait for scientist to tell you what exist or what does not. If you read the bible l things will be well and you will know the truth...

I don't think this forum is an appropriate place for your preaching.

  • 30th Nov 2011 12:46pm
The way you have formulated the question I can only answer, no I don't know Jesus and no I don't go to church. I do not believe in Jesus because there are no scientific evidence that Jesus existed.

By scientific evidence do you mean archaological evidence? (because that is the only relevant science that I can think of)

And actually there is a great deal of independant evidence if you don't want to count what was written in the Bible, or what has been written by Christians that there was this guy called Jesus. ( - son of Joseph; of Nazareth, also known as the Christ)

The most famous of the old records is by a guy called Josephus, who wrote a sort of social commentary that included independant reports of the crucifixion of Jesus. He was not, and never became a Christian

There is also a lot of credible evidence outside of the Bible put forward by people who are Christians too.

If you are interested in ethically sound and unbiased historical information you could do worse than read books by John Dickson - an Australian with a world class reputation.

Yes, I am a Christian, and I do know Jesus, but people who AREN'T Christians and would not think that anything that is written in the Bible is worth the paper it is written on still consider the above information as credible.

So, sorry, have to disagree with you...there is actually a LOT of evidence from all sorts of sources that the particular Jesus known as Jesus the Christ did exist.

  • 30th Nov 2011 12:09pm
I have read the bible and was horrified about how you are supposed to treat people if they don't believe as the book say you should. Geezzz.


You are horrified because we are instructed to treat strangers with respect, and to be hospitable to the 'foreigner' in our midst (who by definition is likely to think differently to the way that we do)? And to love justice and mercy, etc

I know that there are bits and pieces that can sound pretty horrible if taken in isolation and totally out of context, but a few comments - even when taken out of context and misquoted cant be taken to be the theme of the whole book (or more correctly compilation of books)

So I am wondering what it is that you have read.

  • 22nd Nov 2011 01:47pm
Where are the historical facts you mention and don't say the bible that's just a book written some hundred years after the supposed time.

Various non-christian writers from antiquity mention Jesus, leaving contemporary historians in no doubt that this teacher and healer really did live and die in first century Palestine. Try reading the ancient histories of Josephus, who I think was a jewish historian at the time Herod was ruling in Palestine. During the year of Jesus birth. Try Tacitus a Roman writing about the death of Jesus and how much trouble he thought the followers would be.

  • 22nd Nov 2011 05:52am
You just amaze me with your answer lol, how can u wait for scientist to tell you what exist or what does not. If you read the bible l things will be well and you will know the truth...

I have read the bible and was horrified about how you are supposed to treat people if they don't believe as the book say you should. Geezzz.

  • 22nd Nov 2011 05:50am
There is no quarrel that Jesus did exist. It is an historical fact. Do I know Jesus as a personal friend. Yes. Do I go to church. Yes, but its not really about only going to church. Many people...

Where are the historical facts you mention and don't say the bible that's just a book written some hundred years after the supposed time.

  • 21st Nov 2011 08:53pm
The way you have formulated the question I can only answer, no I don't know Jesus and no I don't go to church. I do not believe in Jesus because there are no scientific evidence that Jesus existed.

There is no quarrel that Jesus did exist. It is an historical fact. Do I know Jesus as a personal friend. Yes. Do I go to church. Yes, but its not really about only going to church. Many people believe in Jesus and don't go to church.
By the way, it doesn't need scientific evidence. There is loads of historical evidence.
The fact that many people chose to die rather than deny Him, and so soon after his own death, proves to me Jesus lived and has been affecting the lives of millions of people for the past 2000+ years. People do not chose to die for a lie!

  • 23rd Sep 2011 11:42am
The way you have formulated the question I can only answer, no I don't know Jesus and no I don't go to church. I do not believe in Jesus because there are no scientific evidence that Jesus existed.

You just amaze me with your answer lol, how can u wait for scientist to tell you what exist or what does not. If you read the bible l things will be well and you will know the truth lol.


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